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Approved Trees - Sereno

Approved Trees

Removal or replacement of any tree, which is not like for like, will require an ARB. 

Street Tree removal may require a permit from Hillsborough County. The approved street trees for the Waterleaf neighborhood shall be: 

  • Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) 
  • Florida Maple (Acer floridanum) 
  • Red Maple (Acer rubrum) 
  • Winged Elm (Ulus alata) 

Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) was withdrawn as an approved tree in June 2021 when Hillsborough County changed its Street tree list. Pre-existing Live Oaks are therefore grandfathered in. 

Street trees shall at a minimum size of 4-inch caliper, measured at a height of 4 feet six inches above grade, 14-foot height (minimum) and 6-foot spread (minimum) with a full canopy and straight trunk. 

For approved yard trees see the Hillsborough County approved tree webpage. 


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